Shut It

February 29, 2008 at 10:00 am | Posted in Henry Stuff | 1 Comment

To the people who bore witness to my shopping excursion on Monday, February 25 at Jewel I will not apologize for the screaming tantrum Henry delighted us with.  Yes, I know you could hear him throughout the entire store on a tirade that lasted approximately 23 minutes and 13 seconds.  Yes, I know that you wished we weren’t there disrupting your morning shopping.  Believe me, no one wished we weren’t there more than Henry. 

But you see he is 18 months old and sitting in a shopping cart isn’t exactly his idea of fun.  We were expecting freezing rain and snow that evening so I had to stock up on essentials before the weather hit.  For some reason, it just wasn’t sitting well with my little man that morning and I didn’t think to bring him a snack or his blanket.  So despite your sideways glances and snarky comments about where I could locate stuffed animals, we persevered and made it through the excursion both of us emotionally exhausted.  And next time you see a frazzled mom with a screaming toddler perhaps it will cross your mind to send a slight smile their way and say, “Been there, done that.  Sorry to see you’re having a rough day.”  But if you can’t, then just shut it and keep it to yourself.

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  1. I swear I always says something nice to a mama with a babe who is freaking out. I smile and say wow! Mine are just the same but sadly they must be letting your little one take a turn on the tantrum express. Sorry! I tell her how beautiful he/she is and I tell her to hang in there or take care or something.

    Don’t people look at you like you are there pinching them or something? You are not ignoring it…how can anyone ignore it for goshs sake?

    xx to you sweetie.

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